Tuesday 21 July 2009

What did you do today??

Operation PATIO 2009! or Wish me Luck!

My dear husband of almost ten years has taken a holiday! Hooray?! Oh dear?! I have mixed feelings about this, since this will be our usual one... Meaning, he is the kind of person who thinks a visit to a scrapyard is a family outing, and assembling an IKEA bookshelf is a family bonding excercise. This time he has something fantastic in store for us... A semi-DIY project for waterproofing the patio/garage roof. My heart stopped missing a beat when I hear: Have you got any plans for tomorrow, dear? Instead it sinks or stops all together, panic, worry, uncertainty, more panic... We spent our 10th anniversary of meeting each other in the attic space, putting in insulation, to keep up with the new tradition I will tell you what we did for my parents' 25th anniversary... Happy anniversary, Mum and Dad, btw! :) We have rented a "rasta" ??? - don't ask, Italian name for cleaning up the gunky gooey stuff that covers 60 sq.m. of our patio, supposedly hydro-isolating it. It is strong, it is well stuck, and it is not water-proof. Which sort of defies the purpose, in my mind. And it has to go!!! I feel a little happier now, for two reasons, one: the stuff is gone, after two days of us taking turns in shaving it with this giant super-heavy shaving device, and two: I have received a RAK (random act of Kindness) from Lisa Marie aka Gypsy Couture, who has decided that I deserve a party on my patio (eventually), and gave me her beautiful Genie templates and Party on the Patio kit, which I have promptly used for these two pages, I am showing off. So nice to be surprised like that in the middle of a dire struggle with the green stuff! CTM! (chuckling to myself)

Dare to guess what I am doing tomorrow? No? Yes! We have rented another machine, which is supposed to get rid of the glue that was holding the green stuff down. Isn't that exciting. I hope it is not as noisy as the previous one, poor kids. Poor ears. Poor neighbours.

Wish me luck!


Penelope said...

Wow! How much you have in common with a Texan! Working on your anniversary~

Digi Designz said...

bwhwhaha what a funny story and what fabulous LO's! this reminds me of my father sooo much, he's like lets go do something ( family outing) and takes us to canadian tire!! LMAO

Kos med papir og saks said...

oh my seems like you have some busy days. congrats with the 10th anniversary.

very pretty pages too.

have a nice day