Wednesday, 9 July 2008

my first Dutch trip

The short story of the Dutch trip goes as follows: I have stayed for over a month in the psychiatric hospital in the province of Drenthe either in 96 or 97 with a group of doctors I was accompanying, the visit started with our being on local radio and television, and one of the Russian psychiatrists starting the formal speech with a joke that I translated for him: In the psychiatrist's studio there is always one schisophrenic: and it is very difficult to say whether it is the patient or the doctor himself... To cut the story short that doctor after a couple of weeks being abroad had started following me with a metal rouble trying to "remind" me of the task that KGB "had given us" (!!!) How freaky is that?! He was safely (with certain difficulty as he had hidden his passport) been returned home and hospitalized at alater date... But just fancy that!?!!! I am still using Shelleyrae's papers, see previous posts if you are interested. They are just perfect for someone like me. Font: Journal.


Len said...

Those papers indeed look lovely! And of course, your page is wonderful and fitted for it :) Thanks for sharing :)

Stephanie said...

Beautiful layout and great story! TFS!