Friday 4 June 2010

Our gecko's sad tale

This is a sad "tail" indeed, as our new-ish pets Edward and Bella had a surprise for us this morning. Edward's tail was missing. Not the whole tail luckily, just a segment of almost half its original length. The kids were upset, we were upset, and we were trying to figure out what was going on. If Edward and Bella were fighting, then we have to separate them immediately, if they weren't... "who dun it?" so to say.

this is our beautiful leopard gecko Edward, the last picture with the tail still there, taken yesterday, after a day at the pool...

This is the tiny lizard the kids caught at the pool. We figured it being so small and diurnal she'd be no trouble for our leos... with hind sight I wish we left her there and then.

I am glad we didn't get this dude, come to think of it... This one is locally known as a Ramarro, or a grass lizard

We came home, fed the geckos, and Edward wasn't hungry, or already intimidated by his in-mate...??? aka our beautiful Bella.
She is licking her chops, if she is the one, and the tail of her mate gone and eaten, brrr... I am shuddering to think it... But then they were co-habiting quite happily for two months or so... I don't want to believe it but neither do I want to find our sweet little Edward chewed up tomorrow. We have thrown out the little intruder, brought by the kids, and we hope that Edward will recover very very soon!
But for now it is a sad poor Edward... My poor dear Edward...

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