Tuesday 24 February 2009

My baby's Birthday coming

Wow, my baby-baby is turning 6! I am feeling like it's me growing old. This year she wanted to have a party most of all. A party with her friends. When before now a day with the family was requested, it's the day with Amici and Amiche is what she would like. So she was made responsible for ideas, party theme, party bags and so on, and here is what she has decided on. The theme is going to be princesses and pirates (shows, that most of the friends of hers are of the male gender). Her sister insisted on joining the army of the bucaneers too! So the invitations were made with this in mind. Rolled up as good old treasure maps should and tied up with pretty ribbons fit for the princesses.
She has made the crowns for the girls, and the paper pirate hats for the boys, following the same principle as the crowns. Now since the desicion was made, both my little girls have turned very fond of pirate attributes, and from early morning it's ahoy, my mateys, all around the house. And one of them has to be either one eyed or one-legged (armed) at any given time. I am going to be blind Pugh for the party, I am sure. Have a nice day, wherever you are. And from us here, there will be a follow up story, I assure you.

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